Camille A. Harris


I’m a 4th year PhD student at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the Interactive Computing program. I’m advised by Diyi Yang in the SALT Lab and Neha Kumar in the Tandem Lab. My research primarily focuses on understanding and mitigating biases towards underrepresented and low-resource languages and dialects in natural language processing (NLP). My primary goal is working towards lingustic technologies that are inclusive and work for social good. Beyond that, I am broadly interested research exploring marginalized groups and their experiences with social media, AI systems, and algorithmic bias.

My work is supported by the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship and the GEM Fellowship. My research has recieved awards such as Recognition for Diversity and Inclusion from ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2023) and Best Student Paper Award from Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO 2021).

This past summer I was an intern at IBM Research on the Tech for Justice Team. Previously I was a research intern on the algorithm fairness team at Snap Inc. and an intern at Adobe Research. Prior to my beginning my PhD I earned a Bachelor’s in Computer Science at the University of California Berkeley, go Bears!

selected publications

  1. CSCW
    "Honestly, I Think TikTok Has a Vendetta Against Black Creators": Understanding Black Content Creator Experiences on TikTok
    Camille Harris, Amber Gayle Johnson, Sadie Palmer, and 2 more authors
    Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. Oct 2023
  2. FAccT
    Exploring the Role of Grammar and Word Choice in Bias toward African American English (AAE) in Hate Speech Classification
    Camille HarrisMatan Halevy, Ayanna Howard, and 2 more authors
    In 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency Oct 2022
  3. ACL
    VALUE: Understanding Dialect Disparity in NLU
    Caleb ZiemsJiaao ChenCamille Harris, and 2 more authors
    Oct 2022
  4. EAAMO
    Mitigating Racial Biases in Toxic Language Detection with an Equity-Based Ensemble Framework
    Matan HalevyCamille Harris, Amy Bruckman, and 2 more authors
    Oct 2021